Cheap Bulgarian House
OK Bulgaria | UK owned and operated.

0203 600 0572
07775 712 704

80 sqm furished 2 bed 2 bath house, 900 sqm land, 4 km to sea


€ 124,000
€ 132,90006-09-2024
€ 124,00005-12-2024
, £ 104,241 -7%
For Sale
ID: MK3429
Type: 2 bedrooms, Furnished
Land: 900 sq.m.
Location: 4 km to sea
km. to sea: 4
city: SHABLA (pop. 3182) - 116 properties
average price in SHABLA - £ 32260
DOBRICH Province - 5262 properties
average price in DOBRICH Province - £ 26931
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The house consists of a living room with a separate kitchen area, a bathroom with wc, two bedrooms and a closet, SOD and video surveillance.

The property also has an additional building of 20 square meters, consisting of a room with a bathroom and a closet.

900 sqm land.

The garden is landscaped and has park lighting in front of the house, and behind it there are various fruit trees and vines.

The property has its own water source - borehole and built irrigation system.

Offered for sale with available furniture (including garden furniture) and equipment.

Shabla is a town in northeastern Bulgaria, part of Dobrich district.
The climate is maritime. Winters are mild, spring is sunny, cool summer and autumn - rain. The terrain is mostly flat. Population is about 3,200 people.

In Shabla a school, church, community center, shops, restaurants, hotels, guest houses, children's complex, kindergarten, medical and dental offices and all modern facilities and communications - Internet, satellite TV, coverage of all mobile operators.

The roads are in very good condition. Regular bus service connects with Dobrich and sea capital Varna.
The town has a central sewer system.
Actively develops tourism, the town offers tranquility and beautiful clean beaches.

Shabla Lake is located 2 km from the city and is one of the most visited places.


  • Black sea: 6 km.
  • Varna (airport): 90 km.

  • All bulgarian properties have electricity.
  • About 98 percents of all bulgarian properties have access to running water, except some small remote bulgarian villages up in the mountains.
  • All bulgarian houses in the villages have a septic tank, central sewage system is available only in a few very large villages.
  • All properties have access to internet.
  • There is at least one village shop in every village in Bulgaria, except some small remote villages up in the mountains.
  • Selling price is Euro, not pounds. GBP price is for reference only and can vary daily.
  • All properties in Bulgaria can be purchased remotely or directly from UK, without visiting Bulgaria.

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call: 0203 600 0572 or 07775 712 704 in UK (Mon-Sun)
+359 879036885 (in Bulgaria)
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