Cheap Bulgarian House
OK Bulgaria | UK owned and operated.

0203 600 0572
07775 712 704

90 sqm house, 1000 sqm land, 14 km to sea


€ 46,000
€ 46,00026-04-2022
, £ 38,670 
ID: MK2436
Type: 3 bedrooms, Furnished
Land: 1000 sq.m.
Location: 14 km to sea
km. to sea: 14
village: KLIMENTOVO (pop. 179) - 24 properties
average price in KLIMENTOVO - £ 39480
VARNA Province - 4725 properties
average price in VARNA Province - £ 39230
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The property is corner on two streets.

The house is on two floors with a slab.

On each floor there are two rooms, a corridor and a kitchen.

The bathroom is on the 1st floor.

The house is for renovation.

1000 sqm garden.

Klimentovo is a village in northeastern Bulgaria, part of Aksakovo municipality, Varna district.
Population is 200 people. Altitude - 260 m. Terrain is hilly - flat, river flows nearby Batova. The climate is temperate continental, influenced by the proximity of the Black Sea - the winter is mild and summer is cool.

The village has a community center, shops, a cafй, a small park, a post office, a hotel complex with restaurant, doctor.
The infrastructure is very good - all the streets in good condition. There is a regular bus / 33 / to Varna, three times a day.

The inhabitants are employed in agriculture and tourism. The area is clean, nature is preserved and very beautiful. The village has excellent conditions for rural and eco-tourism.


  • Black Sea: 14 km.
  • Varna (airport): 23 km.

  • All bulgarian properties have electricity.
  • About 98 percents of all bulgarian properties have access to running water, except some small remote bulgarian villages up in the mountains.
  • All bulgarian houses in the villages have a septic tank, central sewage system is available only in a few very large villages.
  • All properties have access to internet.
  • There is at least one village shop in every village in Bulgaria, except some small remote villages up in the mountains.
  • Selling price is Euro, not pounds. GBP price is for reference only and can vary daily.
  • All properties in Bulgaria can be purchased remotely or directly from UK, without visiting Bulgaria.

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